Friday, November 18, 2011

3D TV without a screen

I wish I could get this for Black Friday but I don't think it'll be on the market. What's cool about this emerging technology is that images and video are not only in 3D but they don't need a screen to be project on. It can be done in air. This certainly changes the dynamics for watching prime time news. While the current technology involves using green lasers, the addition of blue and red will allow for color images. The future stages of development involve building a powerful enough laser to sustain an image in air. I'm sure the gaming and porn industry is going to be all over this technology.

Here's a bit more detail about how it works:

The Burton system functions by focusing laser light into points which stimulate oxygen and nitrogen molecules in the air to a plasma excitation level. Computer control of the laser's position can cause the dots to coalesce into recognizable patterns very similar to a hologram, but literally in thin air.

"This system can create about 50,000 dots per second, and its frame rate is currently about 10-15 fps. But we're working to improve the frame rate to 24-30 fps," Watanabe explained.

In the demonstration video following this article, a green laser shines up from below into a small tank of water, but to create displays in air, more powerful lasers are needed. By combining red, green and blue lasers, the Burton team has managed to generate color images, which opens up a vast array of possible uses as the technology improves.

Watch the DEMO video here...............

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


This has got to be the best invention since sliced bread. Pet lovers and non-owners alike, complain about the same thing. "I don't like picking up the poop" Well, thanks to this invention we can turn it into ash. That is just brilliant!!!! No more carrying bags, no more looking for the trashcan, no more fines and more stepping into poop. Now, I know you're thinking what I'm thinking. Does this work for babies? I bet it can. Poop is poop right? I don't think this guy knows what he's invented. No husband can ever complain about changing diapers.

This product is coming to the US next year. 150 million dogs in Europe and the US will have much happier owners. No smell, no odor...just ash.

Here's a excerpt from the article:

His novel idea is AshPoopie, a pooper-scooper with a critical difference: After it gathers the droppings, it turns them into odorless, sterile ash within seconds. All the dog-walker has to do is push a button to release an activation capsule from the cartridge inside the unit.

Recently, AshPoopie earned patents in Europe and the United States. Ramat Gan-based Paulee CleanTec, the company founded to develop this and related products, is working with engineers to finalize the design ahead of a 2012 US launch.

Apparently, American retailers can't wait to start stocking the product. "Where have you been all this time?" was the reaction most often heard by executives of the privately funded company when they introduced AshPoopie in September at SuperZoo 2011, the major US pet products exhibition in Las Vegas.

With about 75 million registered dogs in the United States and the same number in Europe, it came as no surprise that some of the biggest pet product manufacturers and retailers were clamoring to talk with Paulee CleanTec about partnerships, licensing agreements, joint ventures and sole marketing rights.

"Subconscious Mode" for Smartphones Could Extend Battery Life

I was really excited about getting my iPhone 4S after being a BB fan for years. I read the rave reviews about extended battery life but after about 3 weeks of using the phone and numerous audio and GPS based apps I came to realize that I cannot be more than 5 hours away from a power source. Really? Is this what I have to worry about and look forward to? I'm paranoid that I may miss that all important call from the wifey for the "honey do" list. With all this innovation and talk about battery technology why cant we run a device for more than 5-6 hours. I'm being a bit over dramatic but it's true. I see how the accessory makers make their money. There may finally be some hope. According to this article there are trying to make use of a new subconscious mode. It would be like sleeping but still being able to "listen" for your name if someone calls you. This way you don't waste energy. The expected gain is about a 54% duration. Well now I don't have to worry about it for another 3 or 4 hours. Hey, it's progress. I'll gladly take it.

Here's an excerpt of the article:

A proof-of-concept stage "subconscious mode" for smartphones and other WiFi-enabled mobile devices could extend battery life by as much as 54 percent for users on the busiest networks, described in a paper titled "E-MiLi: Energy-Minimizing Idle Listening in Wireless Networks."

"We came up with a clever idea," Shin said. "Usually, messages come with a header, and we thought the phone could be enabled to detect this, as you can recognize that someone is calling your name even if you're 90 percent asleep."

When used with power-saving mode, the researchers found that E-MiLi is capable of reducing energy consumption by around 44 percent for 92 percent of mobile devices in real-world wireless networks.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Take Off Your Clothes And Prepare to be shocked

We can all appreciate good advice when it comes to fashion. The so called "smart" garments take fashion to the next level. By understanding the nature of woven fabrics and inserting carbon powders into them we can create and store energy. Think of it like wearing a battery. The application of this innovative technology can be used in healthcare, military and aerospace. According to the article:

"have taken the first steps towards designing a flexible and lightweight fabric that can act as a power supply for smart garments. Electronic textiles, or 'smart' textiles, are fabrics that have built-in functions such as sensing, data storage and communication. But as with all electronics, they require a power source. Conventional batteries are too bulky to wear, so a power source that can be combined and integrated into the garment is highly desirable."

Think about how many devices we need power this day and age. Our smartphones, GPS, iPads, ipods, etc. The list is long. There's always a need for power. Plugging your devices into your garments can become a reality. Think about applications in rural areas where they don't have electricity. They will now be able to supply enough energy to power their mobile phones and the $35 dollar computer.